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The competition will take place on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 6:00pm at OCU's Kirkpatrick Auditorium. 


All delegates competing for either Miss or Teen in the 2025 Cycle must register for their Miss America Membership, which allows them to compete in all levels of Miss America/Miss America’s Teen.  The Miss America registration form can be found here. The membership fee is $39.99 for May 2024 - July 2025. 


The Miss OCU's Teen Competition awards scholarships as follows based on entry fee payment:

  • $300.00 – full awarded tuition scholarship

  • $150.00 – Title only (No scholarship awarded)


  • Miss OCU Teen:1 year OCU Tuition Scholarship

  • First Runner-up: 1/2 Year OCU Tuition Scholarship 


You must enroll as an INCOMING FRESHMAN AND A FULL-TIME Student (undergraduate 12 hours) to use the scholarships. All scholarships are for the fall and spring semesters of your freshman year only.  The scholarships are for TUITION ONLY and cannot be used for fees, books, room and board etc.


If you are 18 years of age, senior in high school or live out of state, you will not be eligible to compete for the state title at Miss Oklahoma’s Teen Competition. However, if you win the Miss OCU's Teen title, you will receive all scholarships and the next highest placing eligible contestant will compete at the state level.

Please contact us for more information. 

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